The marketeers have branded this time between Christmas and New Year as ‘Twixmas’. I don’t think it’s about chocolate biscuits more a time of betwix and between.

I don’t know about you but this is the first festive period in years where I’ve been ill. Thankfully my ‘illness’ has been a virus that’s given me a very sore throat 😣 and muscle aches and nothing more serious.

What it has done however has forced me to rest. I’ve literally not been outside for days. My new garmin watch is telling me I might sleep better if I do some activity! Oh the irony! 😊

I have done some pushups on the living room floor, I’m not sure it’s counting them though 💪

When recovering from illness there’s always a rush to get back to busy. A combination of ‘cabin fever’ and guilt and the messed up schedule. This is because we tend to have ‘all or nothing thinking’.

It is the same between the two big holidays. People are desperate to get back to some form of busy and often feel guilty resting and eating and doing nothing. This leads to a big downer in January!

Here’s my top 5 on how best to feel better. It’s about ‘adding in’ positive behaviours. This top 5 isn’t just for Christmas or illness!

  1. Allow yourself to do nothing. If you are tired, then rest. Adding in naps and rest days before you are forced to is a helpful behaviour to learn. I don’t mean binge watching tv days on end as I’m currently doing. ‘Active recovery’ is the goal. Moving and resting in different ways to normal. It’s Winter, we are meant to rest. Running ourselves ragged, socialising and not looking after ourselves is often how we become ill 🤧 in the first place. I know!
  2. Drink lots of fluids. Water, hydration drinks, flavoured squash all help. Limit the sugars though. Orange juice and sugary sports drinks can make your symptoms worse due to their high sugar content. Ditch the alcohol! Alcohol dehydrates you further and messes with your microbiome and immune system. High sugar cocktails 🍹 are often tempting but not always the best idea. Limit alcohol to single measured spirits and sugar free mixers. Adding in good hydration is a good practice, before your health forces you to. I’m adding in drinking water to my habits and not just moving my empty bottle around the gym 😊
  3. Eat regularly. Nutrient dense and calorie dense foods are helpful. You need to fuel your body when it is fighting. Protein, complex carbs, and all of the colours of the rainbow to help boost your defences. Illness and indeed Twixmas is not a time to count calories but it’s also not a time to just eat lots of junk. Adding in protein and lots of fruit and veg makes you feel good and promotes good health outcomes. High protein anti inflammatory diets are proven to be the best health promoting diets. Still eating my yoghurt and berries every morning 🫐
  4. Open the windows and doors and keep the air circulating. If you can go outside then a gentle walk around the garden or park . I’m aware it’s December, lots of layers! Breathing fresh air helps. Adding in going outside, walking and observing nature helps the immune system and mental health. It’s often only when we are ill that we remember how important being active is! My watch is taunting me! 🌱 🚶
  5. Vitamin D, Omega 3, Vitamin C. Our immune systems like balance. As someone with an autoimmune condition, post viral is a big concern. Nourishing myself is critical to get me back to optimum health . I want to be back to running and back to the gym and I can only do that when my system is supported properly. I already take vit d and omega 3, adding in vitamin c is giving myself a nutrition boost whilst I’m fighting a virus. Keeping a balanced immune system is important all year round. As in most things, striving for balance is a good behaviour 🧘‍♂️

I’m going away for New Year. I’m planning lots of walking, resting and eating good food. I will be in the gym as soon as I’m well. I have big plans for January 2025, in fact I have big plans for the whole year. It starts now, by adding in positive behaviours to support my health.

I don’t wait until January to add in positive health promoting behaviours. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Every step, every protein based meal, every meditation and every glass of water help! This is despite every episode, every chocolate and every extra potato!

Resting, moving and fuelling our bodies to let us enjoy life longer is the whole point!

#winterillness #twizmas #newyearhealth

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