Nearly everything we do now is governed by timelines. Most of it driven by the seasons and mass marketing!

For years I worked to a retail calendar. Christmas starts in November, January Sales, Easter, School holidays, Halloween etc. All customer services businesses are geared towards the customer calendar as they can predict how customers will behave. In fact they can control exactly how we behave.

Fitness is no different. Gym’s in January-March are busy a combination of marketing Christmas indulgence then doing something about it. Many fitness trainers will market blocks of time, 12 week countdown programmes, 8 weeks to the Christmas dress etc.
This type of marketing reinforces all or nothing behaviour. It’s exactly how the dieting industry works, ‘on plan’ and ‘off plan’.
I along with millions of other women have played out this cycle myself for years. It’s the yo yo dieting business model. The same reason why gyms are quiet in Summer. You throw it in the ‘****** bucket’ and rejoin in October.
With the Summer holidays there’s always been a marketing drive for ‘beach ready’. We all know it’s a nonsense.

However where this still plays out is Women not wanting to ‘start’ a fitness focus because there are things in the diary. There will always be things in the diary!
In a previous career I was privileged to spend time with inspirational athletes and Olympians in the corporate coaching world. There are many stories. The one that resonated with me was the rowing team. They had a mantra ‘if not you, then who and if not now, then when’!
I don’t sell blocks of time or ‘x week’ transformations for exactly this reason. You can start anytime!
You can go on holiday and relax and be mindful. You don’t need to forego your holiday indulgences. We look at ways to make you feel great and confident and return without the guilt!
( yes I did take a protein shake to the beach 🏖️ but I also had a very large gin with dinner 🍸)

There will always be weddings, birthdays, and nights out. Together we navigate around these so that you can enjoy them and still continue with your wellness focus. It’s not a weight loss competition. It’s a focus on feeling stronger, fitter and leaner than you were.

When you focus on bone health, muscle mass and heart health alongside overall wellness then you realise that it’s a lifestyle change.
Lifestyle change incorporating what you like to do in life is the goal. ‘If not you then who, and if not now then when’?
If you envisage your Summer holidays being active, outdoors and walking and hiking then great 👍

If, like me, that often transpired into beer gardens and barbecues and dine at home deals then you are not alone. Every retailer in the land is selling you food and drink until September.

If you don’t want to realise in September that the cycle has repeated itself, drop me a message.
Getting ahead of the curve and using the time across the Summer to feel better, improve your energy and enjoy yourself without the guilt is a great place to be 👌🏻 ☀️ #ifnotnowwhen #menopauseweight #beachready