Post Menopause women have the same risk of Cardiovascular disease as men! (Oestrogen replacement helps with lowering the risk of this)

It becomes really important to look after our health at this time as we start to see big changes in physiology and health markers.

Reducing body fat, especially visceral fat around the middle and organs is key. Unfortunately this is exactly at the time that our bodies lay down fat around our middles!

As Oestrogen declines our bodies store fat on our middles and back. This fat tries to compensate for low oestrogen by producing estrone.

This is an inflammatory type of oestrogen. These fat cells also pump out Cortisol, the stress hormone. This can lead to insulin resistance and poor sleep.

The poor sleep can make us tired, crave carbs and ultimately move less.

This in turn causes us to gain more fat!

On average women gain 10Kg/1.5 stone of fat across perimenopause/menopause.

So what do we do?

This is exactly why I became a Menopause coach as this took me by surprise. What worked previously had ceased working and despite being active I gained weight.


Eat Protein 🍗🥚🧀🍤🫘🥜

An anti inflammatory diet full of fruit, veg, nuts and good fats. Think the Mediterranean style diet. 🥗🥦🍎🍊🫐🥬🥑

Reduce Sugar ✋ 🥤🧁🍹

Prioritise Sleep 🛌 🧘🏼‍♀️ 🥜

Move more 🏊‍♀️🏌️‍♀️⛷️ 💃 🚴 ( small burst of HITT training) help visceral fat

Lift Weights 🏋🏼‍♀️ 💪 building muscle becomes critical to metabolic health, bone health and functional fitness

Finding exercise you like whether dancing, swimming, cycling or running become really important.

Lifting heavy things and often is our best investment in our future health.

If you want any help with this, shoot me a message!

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