Longevity is the big focus for many people thanks to various documentaries and podcasts, highlighting an ageing population and the challenges it may bring.
The data is showing that muscle mass correlates directly with how long you are likely to live!

Strength training is key for our health as we age. It helps us build muscles and it helps increase our bone density!

“One in three adults aged 50 and over dies within 12 months of suffering a hip fracture. Older adults have a five-to-eight times higher risk of dying within the first three months of a hip fracture compared to those without a hip fracture. This increased risk of death remains for almost ten years.”
Not only does strength training increase muscles and improve bone density it helps our metabolism work more efficiently. Building muscle helps with balance, mood and sleep.
Living longer and in better health!

The reality is that 76% of women aged 45-54 are doing insufficient strength training.
Where to start?
Bodyweight Squats x 10
Press ups ( on knees ) x 10
Lunges x 10
Do two rounds of this every other day. Invest in a weighted vest (3-5Kg) and walk, especially downhill!
If you want help with building muscle( you won’t ever get bulky) drop me a message and I’m happy to help.